Sixth Week in London!

June 24, 2018

This week was an exciting one! My family came to visit me in London! My parents have been traveling across Europe and visiting the UK is their last stop before going back home. And luckily, my sister also managed to get time off of work and fly over from California!

At work this week, I put together a booklet of all the past Distributed Futures booklets. I’m working on putting it up on the website as well. I also put up a new use case for Z/Yen’s MetroGnomo ledger.

Michael invited me to a World Trader’s event on Tuesday at the Alderman Court House in the Guild Hall, and although the meeting itself was unrelated to my work, it was interesting to see how even well-known organizations, like the World Traders, organize themselves.

Wednesday morning I attended an event at Deloitte LLP on sustainable finance. The building was all I thought it would be and more! I already knew I wanted to consult for the big 4, and seeing one of the main offices affirmed that.

Thursday and Friday were relatively normal work days. I conducted business research and edited a report that Michael handed to me. Z/Yen will be having a report launch on 4 July, so this upcoming week will be busy!